Vision, values and ethos
Our vision is to nurture happy, confident individuals with a love for learning and for life. To build a school community where everyone cares for and respects themselves, each other and the wider world.
We aim to achieve this through
- Working together to create a happy school full of learning, laughter and friendship. A listening school where children and adults know their views are important, respected and acted on.
- Recognising each child as unique and encouraging them to identify and develop individual strengths and talents so that they feel confident to take risks within a safe, positive environment.
- A rich curriculum that provides opportunities to explore, investigate and question our complex world.
- A curriculum where academic excellence is underpinned by spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding, enabling children to develop as responsible citizens.
- High quality teaching and learning across the curriculum with children encouraged to think for themselves, express their opinions and take responsibility for their learning.